BBA300 Broadband amplifier

Frequency range between 9 kHz and 250 MHz

Output power of 3000 W, 5000 W or 10000 W at 1 dB compression point

100 % mismatch tolerance

Suitable for amplitude, frequency, phase, pulse and OFDM modulation

Liquid-cooled, compact and quiet


The perfect combination of high performance, wide bandwidth and low noise.

The R&S®SAM100 system amplifier is an ultra-broadband solid state microwave amplifier with a frequency range from 2 GHz to 20 GHz. With a power of up to 20 W, outstanding linearity and very good noise characteristics, the R&S®SAM100 amplifier is ideal as a compact system amplifier in various measurement setups e.g. design (DVT) and product validation test (PVT) or EMC.

BBA300 Broadband amplifier

In measurement environments with R&S generators, frequency analyzers or network analyzers, they can act as drivers or boosters and amplify the measurement signals. The R&S®SAM100 is also an excellent alternative to tube amplifiers as well as for multi-band assemblies consisting of narrow-band single amplifiers.

BBA300 Broadband amplifier

With decades of experience, Rohde & Schwarz develops and manufactures solid-state RF / Microwave amplifiers in various frequency bands / bandwidth combinations and power classes, with unprecedented reliability & performance. Designed for many applications like immunity testing in EMC, as very reliable and highly available RF amplifiers for radio communication or in particle accelerators and last but not least as very compact, ultra-wideband microwave amplifiers for the RF component testing in development and production, they are characterized by outstanding linearity and excellent RF properties.

Find out here how our market-leading products can help your company.

BBA300 Broadband amplifier

Broadband amplifiers are innovative solid-state solutions with exceptional RF performance for generating RF power up to 13 kW in the frequency range of 4 kHz to 6 GHz. Designed as very compact amplifiers, at highest power density, they are robust against severest output mismatch while featuring high availability. Applications range from amplitude, frequency, phase, pulse to OFDM modulation. Its modular structure allows for fieldproven scalability of systems. Sophisticated switching options for input, output and sample ports will match your needs when it comes to even complex RF systems set-ups.

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